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Lady Blu


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Lady Blu Story

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The lady blu album

The Lady Blu album is Nadi Love's first album to be released. Lady Blu is an album which has been written based on an 11 year life changing experience. Each of the album's 11 songs address Nadi Love's experiences with their own specific theme and message that reflects the extreme journey during that period.

Nadi Love's mission with Lady Blu is to share her experiences and inspire others to keep faith, strengthen self-reliance and life balance. As a singer and songwriter, motivational speaker and holistic health advisor Nadi Love's overall purpose is to be part of making the world a more peaceful and loving place by awakening and motivating self-love and awareness within each and everyone of us.

Lady Blu Nadi Love ft. Omar Lyefook

become a SPONSOR or brand partner

Be part of the Lady Blu journey

Nadi Love is embarking on a universal music project in the name of peace and love and is welcoming selected sponsors and potential investors from around the world to be part of this journey.

Nadi Love
Nadi Love
Nadi Love
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